Banner Mehmi & Sandhu Mortgage Administration Inc. Become an Investor

Mehmi & Sandhu Mortgage Administration Inc. (#13554) is a licensed mortgage administrator by FSRA in Ontario. We provide administration services for private mortgages throughout the lifecycle of the loans. We make the process seamless for investors by managing all steps from finding the right funding opportunities to issuing commitment, renewal, payout & any other required statements for the mortgage. We collect monthly interest from borrowers & remit them to investors per their share.

We work with licensed mortgage brokers to find 1st & 2nd mortgage funding opportunities for our investors. Contact us to learn more about our mortgage administration services.


Private Mortgages

Security Registered as a Mortgage on title of the property
Rate of Return 7-8% on First Mortgages
10-12% on Second Mortgages
Terms 6-12 months
Collateral Residential Properties
  • Real Estate Market is an alternative to other volatile & non-asset based opportunities.
  • Private Mortgages provide a consistent rate of return during the term of the mortgage.
  • Interest is paid directly to the lender by the borrower. We do not administer mortgages.

Flow of Funds

  • 1


  • 2

    Lender’s lawyer

  • 3

    Borrower’s lawyer

  • 4


  • After all broker & legal due diligence is complete.
  • Lender transfers the funds to his lawyer’s trust account
  • Lender’s lawyer registers the mortgage on the property and releases the funds to Borrower’s lawyer’s trust account
  • Borrower’s lawyer transfers the funds to the borrower

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